<aside> 💡 For anyone who loves to learn new things and is seeking a community of people thinking alike you’re welcome here. Under general resources, you’ll find resources for self-learning in general. Under “how to self-learn” you’ll find tips and tricks on how to self-learn. Finally under “sorted by topic”, you’ll find different categories such as history, astronomy or languages. These pages are filled with resources (videos, books, etc) to self-learn a specific subject. For now there’re 5 different subjects but I’m working on lots of other ones such as art history, chemistry, etc. If you have any recommendations, requests or if you have found any mistakes, you can send me an email at the following address: [email protected] or contact me on my socials: @chayavke In the meantime, enjoy your time here and I hope you’ll come back 🥀


About me

General resources

How to self-learn

Sorted by topic